Summer 2024 Newsletter

Scroll down to read all the articles in our Summer 2024 newsletter.

The Director’s Desk

July 2024

Embracing Change and Fostering Community: Elevate's Summer Initiatives and Leadership Transition

As we embrace the warmth and energy of summer, I am filled with both pride and a sense of bittersweet anticipation. Elevate has always been more than an organization; it’s a community dedicated to making meaningful changes in the lives of those we serve. Our mission to foster safer, healthier communities through education and prevention initiatives continues to thrive thanks to your unwavering support.

This summer, our newsletter features two compelling articles that reflect our ongoing efforts with harm reduction strategies. First, "Harm Reduction Strategies You Should Know About" delves into practical approaches that can be implemented to minimize the negative impact of substance use. This piece is essential for anyone looking to understand the nuanced and compassionate strategies that can save lives. 

Additionally, we highlight a groundbreaking initiative in "Harm Reduction Vending Machine at Moraine Park Technical College.” This article explores the innovative installation of a vending machine on campus that provides free and anonymous access to Narcan, Fentanyl test strips and condoms. This vending machine represents a significant step forward in our mission to make harm reduction tools more accessible and to save lives.

As many of you know, my journey with Elevate is approaching a transition. After many fulfilling years serving as the executive director, I have decided it is time for new leadership to guide Elevate into its next chapter. The search for my successor is underway, and I am confident that our dedicated board and search committee will find a passionate and visionary leader to continue our important work.

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you — our staff, volunteers, partners, and supporters. Your commitment and hard work have been the cornerstone of our success. While change can be challenging, it also brings opportunities for growth and new perspectives. I am excited to see how Elevate will continue to evolve and thrive in the years to come.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Together, we will continue to make a difference — one life at a time.

Mary Simon
Executive Director

Harm Reduction Strategies You Should Know About

Harm reduction is an essential approach in public health that aims to reduce the negative consequences associated with drug use. A different approach to abstinence, harm reduction strategies acknowledge the reality of drug use and place a larger focus on reducing its harmful effects — a pragmatic approach that not only saves lives but also serves as a bridge to recovery. 

Here are some key harm reduction strategies everyone should be aware of. 

Narcan (Naloxone)

Narcan, or naloxone, is a life-saving medication that can reverse the effects of opioid overdoses. It is available in nasal spray and injectable forms and can be administered by anyone, making it an invaluable tool for first responders, community members, and even friends and family of people who use opioids. Increased availability of Narcan has been shown to significantly reduce overdose deaths and provides a critical opportunity for individuals to seek further help and enter recovery.

Testing Strips

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is often mixed with other drugs, leading to accidental overdoses. These testing strips allow individuals to test their drugs for the presence of fentanyl before use. By reducing the risk of overdose, testing strips contribute to harm reduction and open the door for users to seek further assistance and support in their journey to recovery.

Clean Needles and Syringe Exchange Programs

Sharing needles is a major risk factor for the transmission of bloodborne diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis C. Clean needle and syringe exchange programs provide sterile needles and syringes to people who inject drugs, significantly reducing the risk of infection. These programs also offer a point of contact for health services, access to addiction treatment, and other health care services. 

Safe Using Sites

Safe using sites, also known as supervised consumption facilities or safe injection sites, provide a controlled environment where individuals can use drugs under the supervision of trained staff. These facilities offer sterile injecting equipment, safe disposal of needles, and immediate response to overdoses. Additionally, safe using sites connect users with social services, including addiction treatment, mental health support, and housing assistance. 

Harm reduction strategies do more than just reduce the immediate risks associated with drug use; they play a crucial role in the broader landscape of addiction recovery. By meeting people where they are and providing non-judgmental support, these strategies build trust and rapport with individuals who use drugs. This trust is essential for encouraging individuals to take the first steps towards recovery.

Harm Reduction Vending Machine at Moraine Park Technical College: A Lifesaving Initiative

In an innovative move to address the growing opioid crisis and other substance use-related issues, Moraine Park Technical College has partnered with the Washington Ozaukee Health Department to place a harm reduction vending machine on its campus. These machines typically offer items such as Narcan (naloxone), fentanyl testing strips, condoms, and other health-related materials. The goal is to make these crucial resources more accessible to individuals who might not seek them out through traditional means due to stigma, lack of access, or other barriers.

This initiative is part of a broader effort to provide practical support and lifesaving tools to the community, particularly those affected by drug use. 

The idea to install the vending machine came in response to the Fentanyl: Facts, Fiction & Future series presented on campus in February 2023 about the fentanyl crisis in Washington County. Individuals from Elevate, Washington County, the Washington Ozaukee Health Department, Aurora Health Care, Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin spoke to students, faculty and staff about the dangerous effects of Fentanyl. The series was an “eye opener,” according to Pete Rettler, Dean - Moraine Park Technical College West Bend Campus.

“A lot of people have the misconception that drug users are ‘junkies,’ or people whose lives are screwed up and they no longer care,” he explained. “But what came across loud and clear during that series was that this could happen to anyone. It could be a neighbor, co-worker, or even one of your kids experimenting with a drug not known for being dangerous, but is laced with fentanyl, and now they’re dead.”    

The vending machine at MPTC is located on campus at 2151 N. Main Street, West Bend by Parking Lot L and is accessible 24/7 for the entire Washington County community for free. The health department restocks items on an as-needed basis each month, and according to Rettler, it’s being used on a consistent basis. According to the Washington Ozaukee Substance Use Coalition, 118 doses of Narcan have been distributed through the vending machine since Jan. 5, 2024.     

“I hope this vending machine saves lives,” said Rettler when asked what he hopes this vending machine will accomplish. “I hope just the presence of it on campus brings a bigger awareness to the fentanyl issues that we have in Washington County, and that those who end up needing these items are able to take this as a first step towards seeking professional help and beginning the journey to recovery.”

Join Us for Family Fest: A Fun-Filled Community Outreach Event!

We are thrilled to announce that Elevate will be part of an exciting upcoming event: Family Fest! Hosted by Still Waters Church on Saturday, September 14, 2024, 3 to 7 p.m. their love for families inspired this special occasion, aimed at bringing together the wonderful folks of Washington County and beyond for a day of food, fun, fellowship, and fundraising for a worthy cause. All proceeds from the event, including meal ticket sales, will benefit struggling families in the community through Elevate.

Family Fest will take place outdoors at Still Waters Church, 3617 Scenic Road, Jackson and promises an unforgettable experience for attendees of all ages. The event will feature live music from the Still Waters Praise Team, and children will have a blast with activities like a bouncy house, carnival games and much more! In addition to the fun and entertainment, they'll be serving an amazing meal to satisfy your taste buds.

Most importantly, Family Fest is not just about having a great time — it’s also about making a positive impact in our community. Mark your calendars and join us for a day of joy, connection, and support for a meaningful cause — we can't wait to see you there!